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Thursday, September 27, 2012

: आज का विचार - 9/26/12

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Praveen Verma

ध्यान रखना जिस तरह नदियों का जल बहकर वापिस लौटता नहीं , जैसे पेड़ों से पत्ते टूटकर बिखर जाँएं तो डाल पर वापिस लगते नहीं, गया हुआ श्वास लौटता नहीं और बी्ता हुआ समय कभी हाथ आता नहीं 

परम पूज्य सुधांशुजी महाराज

Be mindful that like flowing river water and fallen leaves that do not go back to their point of origination; 

the breath taken does not come back and the time passed is also gone.